Thursday, November 13, 2008

Seasons of the Moon

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I was laughing at the moon. I stared at the horizon towards town, speckled with its electric buzzing lights. I cricked my neck up so I could gawk at the breathtaking, and breath-giving moon. This photo was from last week. Last night the moon appeared full. I think today it is at 100%. It shown so bright my darkness could not exist.

To a farmer, lost in his field after dark on a moonless night, the distant glow of a Wal-Mart may be comforting and reassuring, “Ah, yes, there is other life out there.” But on other nights, when the moon outshines Wal-Mart, Home depot and the Casino! I mean, THAT is something to ask questions about. Who controls this massive light bulb in the night sky? It’s luminous is unlike any other light. A cool passing cloud cover dances by like a mystically narrated lamp shade. I stare up and laugh at the immense power that shines down on me.

Tonight this power shines down on me. Other nights I am left in the darkness to strengthen my faith in the galactic orbits, these seasons of the moon.

I think about the excitement Christmas time brings, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of the longer, warmer brighter days. If I didn’t have electricity, this moon would become my best friend, second in line to sun, (though I spose it depends on what style of life style you prefer.) Nights can be so peaceful and still. There is great opportunity to listen close to the stillness of the earth and sky; and the moon shouts down like a close friend,

“You are loved. Keep dancing.”

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