Friday, February 6, 2009

10% Represent

Hi. I am Nellie and I represent one of 10% of Michiganders who are “unemployed.” This statement is not the whole truth, but one angle indeed.

Another word I like to use is, “under-employed.” I have heard other Organic Farmers use this word to describe their scenarios. Generally, I have been keeping myself busy, “freelancing” some web work and other miscellaneous projects. Even as an “under-employed” individual, I still find that there are not enough hours in the day. Maybe it’s the Adrenal Fatigue, but I just can’t seem to get up before noon or become productive til 9pm. Oh how I long for long, warm, sunny days.

Jobs are strange things. They can define who you are if you let or want them to. They can build you up and they can tear you down. They can fill you with joy and ecstatic excitement. They can give you comfort, security, and a way to pay for your right to be here, yes, as if you have to pay for your right to be here. You are not enough. It’s true, unless of course you are living at home or in a monastery. But in order to break out; in order to become separate from one whole; in order to be something “other” than pure source; in order to be independent………………….SLICE………..

One must decide a path.

We are each an individual finger of the universe. There is no right or wrong. We are here to explore, to experience, to know. A path must be decided.
1350–1400; ME deciden < MF decider < L dēcīdere lit., to cut off, equiv. to dē- DE- + -cīdere (comb. form of caedere to cut)

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