Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It’s 17 degrees Fahrenheit and I’m not cold

That’s right folks, its 17 degrees and dropping fast as traces of the sun set through the gray sky. I did more shoveling today. As you can see in this photo, I am not even wearing my coat. I started to consider starting a snow shoveling business, but then my back talked me out of it. It is a really ridiculous feeling when you try to tackle something larger than yourself.

If one puts the same amount of effort into seeking peace, as they do seeking escape from madness, then we’d all be chill.

The Layers Show

Pink Seattle Hat, $10, Walgreen’s, Downtown Sea-town
Glasses, $100, New Vision, P-town
Trees and Birdies Hoodie, $2.50, Value Village, Sea-town
Gator Plumbing Long sleeve Tee, $2.50, Village Discount, Chi-town
Blue Tee Shirt with Flowers, $6, Target, Chi-town
Hot pink and black striped tights, $2.00, Value Village, Sea-town
Guess Jeans, Free! Free Table, Stewart House Seattle
Beige Belt, 50 cent, Goldmine, P-town
Snow pants, gift, (Thanks Mom!)
Maggies organic cotton socks, gift, (Thanks Mom!)
Rain resistant snow boots, Thanks Mom!

Resisting the urge to curse Mother Nature when I can’t pull into the drive, priceless.

Not freezing my ass off, and actually being warm in 17 degree temperatures…priceless.

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