Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Solar Heat House

Solar Heat House

So, I built this solar heat house on Sunday to start some sprouts in. So far there are a few things I need to work out. First off, it's been cloudy and kinda cold, which gives me no advantage really. Two days of clouds and rain reviled that my "roof line" isn't quite steep enough, and so water collects on top of some of my sprout trays. I am thinking about modifying my "frame" structure. The two black compost bins didn't really work out how I thought they were going to, so I needed to add some metal posts I found behind the shed to help support the plastic.

Today we did get some sun. I am concerned that I don't have enough "solar mass collectors" (ie, clear bottles, filled with water and black food dye) - also, that the solar mass collectors may not be in the best positioning. It's been a bummer to not have more time to observe this experiment as the afternoons suns roll on through. I have a few modifications in mind, some more experimenting for the next sunny day I find free time.

1 comment:

Tim and Lindsay Davis said...

that's a pretty cool project nellie.