Friday, February 19, 2010

Great Water

The sun finally shines
just as I was about to make more insane demands
of the conditions that must be met to keep me here.

(I never built my sauna, the one I would have built if winter were to have kept me here for a second consecutive frigid season)

The only solace is knowing that bears sleep through entire winters
At least I can get up for a few hours here and there.

The day buzzed
The sun finally shines
sunrise blinded me like big orange spotlight through my kitchen window
GOODMORNING he shouts!

And the evening settles in in a calmer fashion
reveling to me
reminding me of
the one reality I've been ignoring

This day was one of those firsts
where the whole day
the literal clouds have unmasked the sky
for the entire day!

So now I see the sleepy pinks and orange of one of our Million Dollar Sunsets
painting me into a pine grove
one of the ancient relics of what time and modern man has washed away

Sleepy pinks and orange
paint me into the pine grove
awakening me to the painful beauty
of mishigami.

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